Changing Our Perspective On Mental Illness

Maggie Newcomb

Maggie is a mental health consumer expert, advocate and public speaker. She hopes by sharing her story of recovery she can help reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness. She speaks about a variety of mental health topics drawing from her own experiences.


Mental Illness – It’s Not What You Think
Acceptance and Recovery is Possible
Creating a Mentally Healthy WorkForce
Mental Illness Recovery For Real Life
(For Health Providers) Helping Your Patients Make the Most of Your Therapy
Bipolar Disorder

In the Community

Maggie is a member of the STOP STIGMA SACRAMENTO Speakers Bureau. With Stop Stigma, she speaks at local organizations about her own mental health journey.

Organizations Maggie has spoken to with Stop Stigma:

Sacramento Law Enforcement
Elk Grove Unified School District (staff training)