Right now, more than ever, it is important that we are taking extra care of our physical and emotional health. For those of us living with Bipolar Disorder and taking medications we need to be especially mindful we are staying on top of our treatment. Before I continue I want to emphasize that medication for …
Treating mental illness is complicated and these 20 tips are just an overview of what worked for me when recovering from a manic and depressive episode. It’s not for everyone. Use what works for you and let go of the rest. And more important discover even better ways! Believe that recovery is possible and that …
Getting a Bipolar Disorder diagnosis can be devastating, especially since it has such a negative stigma in our society. People actually use it as an insult saying someone is “so bipolar”. However, nobody actually is bipolar. The right way to refer to it is “he or she lives with or has Bipolar Disorder”. I only …
I speak professionally on the topic of mental illness, and almost every time I give a talk about living with a mental illness, at least one person in the audience tells me about a loved one who went off his or her psych meds or won’t even start taking them. As we have seen historically, …
A few weeks after my wedding, I was caught off-guard by a serious brush with depression. It was like a thick fog that rolled in, crushing my desire to do anything. I was surprised because although I live with Bipolar Disorder 1, my medications are extremely effective and I don’t usually struggle with depression. Anxiety …
In Maggie’s newest vlog she details where she is now, nearly 3 years after publishing her first book Chocolate Pudding In Heaven; The Intriguing Journey Of My Bipolar Mind. She took some time off to get some important things done like get married, buy a house, and find really cool earrings at Target. She gets …
I have spent the majority of my life being ashamed of what I went through. I’ve been hiding an important part of my life from the world, always feeling like I had this horrible secret and that if anyone knew about it, they wouldn’t want to know me anymore. Well, enough is enough. I’m ready …
I am writing this not as a Democrat or Republican, but a person. A person who happens to live with a mental illness. I don’t understand why Congress is passing legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) without a plan in place. I can even understand why there are people that don’t like the …
Some people say that comedy is pain plus time and I must admit when it comes to my standup comedy career I can certainly relate to this. I mean, I don’t think that all comedy is about pain, but it sure is an interesting concept. Lucky for me, my tumultuous dating life gave me a …
When it comes to mental health I think sometimes we can get tunnel vision focusing on the medications, the diagnosis, doctors’ visits, and all that serious stuff. We forget about some pretty important and basic stuff. Humor. Having a sense of humor and being able to laugh at yourself or your situation is one of …
About Maggie

Maggie Newcomb Raine is Speaker, Comedian, Writer, and Mental Health Advocate.
She advocates for mental illness acceptance and mental health recovery through her speaking presentations, blog and book, Chocolate Pudding in Heaven (available on Amazon, iBooks, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords).
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