Maggie Newcomb - Speaker, Comedian, Writer and Mental Health Advocate

The Mental Patient Next Door

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This week we lost a very special person and a hero to the mental health community, Patty Duke. Most people know her for her Academy Award-winning role as Helen Keller or her dual roles on The Patty Duke Show. For me, her real-life was more important. Twenty-two years ago when I was sixteen and diagnosed ...
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Check out this short and fun video from Maggie Newcomb promoting her new book on Amazon. Bonus: you get to meet her biggest fan! Buy Maggie’s book Chocolate Pudding in Heaven; The Intriguing Journey of my Bipolar Mind on Amazon now! Was any of this information helpful? Let me know in the comments so I ...
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Is it okay to ask somebody about their mental illness? Is it okay to talk about your own mental illness? Nobody really knows; those guidelines are not in place. So many people just hold it all inside. Those with a mental illness don’t want to be judged, and those without a mental illness are afraid ...
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Imagine out of nowhere your 16-year-old daughter or son has a severe mental breakdown and needs to be hospitalized in a psychiatric facility. At first, the doctors tell you that your child might have schizophrenia, but they need to try different medications and treatments to confirm. You are asked to sign a waiver that reveals ...
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Since I gave my publisher the final approval to print my book and set it up on Amazon for purchase, I have been in almost complete agony. Now that it is out of my hands and soon to be available to all, I want to climb into a cave and hibernate for 100 years. I ...
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Why is it okay to tell people that you are going to the dentist, but not okay to tell someone you are going to see your therapist? Why are we so embarrassed to tell people we are working on our mental health? We seek professionals to help us take care of our teeth, shouldn’t we ...
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